Moringa Oleifera

What is Moringa Oleifera?
The Moringa Oleifera is a fast-growing tree, and it’s a drought-resistant tree that belongs to the Moringaceae family.

its common names include a drumstick tree “from the long, triangular seed-pods, slender “, Moringa, horseradish tree “from the roots’ taste, which look-alike to the horseradish”, and the ben oil tree or the benzo live tree “from the oil which is extracted from its seeds”.
It is vastly planted by the seed pods.
the leaves have been used for cooking as vegetables, also as herbal medicine, and their seeds are also used for water refining.
Moringa oleifera has not been spotted overrun intact-displacing native flora, or habitats, and consequently, must be considered now as a vastly planted species with a weak rate of invasive possibility.


Name: Moringa Oleifera
Family: Moringaceae
Botanical name: Moringa Oleifera

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Import moringa oleifera as it is a fast-growing tree, which is deciduous and can be a height of twelve meters and 45 cm of trunk diameter.
The moringa Oleifera flowers are hermaphroditic, fragrant, and surrounded by a 5 unequal, yellowish-white of petals, and thinly veiled.
The length of Moringa oleifera flowers is between 1: and 1.5 cm long
and 2.0 cm in width.
The Moringa oleifera grows on the thin, hairy trunk in spreading flower clusters which is between 10–25 cm in length.
Moringa flowering begins within the first 6 months after implantation.
the flowering of Moringa only occurs once a year between April and June in seasonally cool regions.
but in more constant seasonal temp and constant rainfall, the flowering can occur twice a year or even all year round.

Moringa Oleifera Cultivation
The Moringa tree is mainly grown in semi-arid, tropical areas, and subtropical areas.
It tolerates a vast range of soil conditions, but Moringa prefers planting in a neutral to a slightly acidic pH within 6.3 to 7.0 of loamy soil or well-drained sandy.
In waterlogged soil conditions, the Moringa roots incline to rot.
The Moringa is a loving plant for sun- and heat, and it doesn’t like frost or tolerate freezing.
The Moringa is especially proper for dry areas, as it can be planted using rainwater without any costly irrigation techniques.

Moringa oleifera propagation
The Moringa oleifera can be planted from seed or even from cuttings.
the direct seeding way is potential because if the Moringa oleifera germination rate is high enough, the Moringa seeds could be grown year-round in well-draining soil.
Also, by using the Moringa Cuttings of one-meter length as well at 4 cm minimum of diameter could be used for vegetative propagation.

1- For the Moringa intensive leaf planting, “the plants spacing should be within 15 x 15 cm with conveniently spaced lanes, but in this way of planting, weeding out as well disease prevention is not easy enough because of the high density of plants.
2- In semi-intensive planting, the plants are spaced between 50 cm to 100 cm apart, this planting will give good outcomes with low maintenance fees.
3- the Moringa trees also could be planted in the alleys, as natural fences way and related to other crops.
4- in agroforestry cultivation, the spacing between moringa rows is commonly between two and four m.

Yield and harvest
Moringa oleifera could be cultivated to gain its pods, leaves, and kernels for the oil extraction process and water refining process.
The Moringa’s yields are different mightily, according to the season, fertilization process, variety, and irrigation style.
Moringa yields better under warming, dry weather with several supplemental fertilizers, and irrigation conditions.
The Moringa harvesting process is done manually by using the required tools.

Moringa fruits
When the plant is planted from Moringa cuttings, the first crop could take within 6 to 8 months from the planting date.
predominantly, the Moringa fruits did not yield in their first year, and also its yield is in generally weak through the first few years.
By the second year, it yields almost 300 Moringa pods, and by the third year yields almost 400–500.

Moringa leaves
On average the Moringa leaves can yield almost 6 tons/ha per year in fresh matter.
The yields are highly different between the rainy seasons and dry seasons, between 1120 kg/ha and 690 kg/ha per one harvest respectively.
it could be harvested from the Moringa leaves and stems for 60 days from seeding and after that seven times a year.
 At every harvest of Moringa, the plants are cut max 60 cm off the ground.
In some yield methods, the Moringa leaves could be harvested every two weeks.

Moringa oil
One of the Moringa estimates for the Oil yield extracted from kernels is almost 250 L per one ha.
The Moringa oil could be applied as a food supplement, as well for cosmetics in general, and especially for skincare, and hair care.
Malnutrition relief by Moringa Oleifera trees
The Moringa Oleifera tree has been used against human malnutrition, especially among nursing mothers and their infants.
The Moringa leaves have been suggested as a food source of iron-rich “31% Daily amount per 100 grams used, table” to combat an iron deficiency.
Moringa Oleifera culinary uses
Moringa oleifera has many cooking applications during its domestic distribution.
The edible Moringa parts contain the whole leaves, the Moringa green fruits, immature, Moringa seed pods, the fragrant Moringa flowers, the Moringa young seeds, and the Moringa roots.
Other uses for Moringa oleifera
In developing countries, moringa oleifera can enhance nutrition, foster rural evolution, support sustainable Landrace, and increase food security.
It could be used as livestock forage, a natural as anti-anthelmintic, and liquid of micronutrient.
also, the Moringa leaf powder has the effect of a handwashing soap.
Phytochemicals in the Moringa oleifera has detergent properties as well as an anti-septic.
Water purification by Moringa oleifera seed
Moringa oleifera seed cake, obtained as a by-product of compressing the Moringa seeds to get Moringa oleifera oil, based on the above, is utilized to refining the water by using the flocculation to get potable water for human consumption as well for the animal.
Moringa oleifera seeds have proteins of dimeric cationic, which absorb and neutralize the colloidal charges in the turbid water, which causes the colloidal particles to matter to be collecting together, which makes the hanging particles simple and easy to eliminate as sludge by either filtration or settling.
Moringa oleifera seed cake removes the most water impurities.

7 Science Health Benefits of Moringa oleifera
1. Moringa Is Very nutrient
Moringa oleifera leaves are a good source of numerous minerals and vitamins, one cup of Moringa oleifera fresh, chopped leaves 21 grams contains the following Vitamins:
Protein: 2 grams
Vitamin B6: 19% RDA
Vitamin C: 12% RDA
Iron: 11% RDA
Riboflavin (B2): 11% RDA
Vitamin A “from beta carotene”: 9% RDA
Magnesium: 8% RDA
2. Moringa leaves are rich in Antioxidants
The Moringa is wealthy in many antioxidants, including the antioxidants chlorogenic acid and quercetin.
Also, the moringa leaf powder may boost the levels of blood antioxidants.
3. Moringa may decrease the levels of Blood Sugar
levels High blood sugar may be a dangerous human health problem.
it’s a major feature of diabetes.
4. Moringa may decrease body Inflammation
Body Inflammation is the human body’s natural response to injury or
5. Moringa May decrease Cholesterol rate
which can reduce heart disease risk.
6. Moringa Can prevent Arsenic Toxicity rate
Many Animal studies propose that Moringa could prevent the rate of arsenic toxicity.
7. Enhance the IMMUNITY System
One of the best benefits of the moringa is its super immune system support.
Maintaining a healthy for the human’s immune system now is fundamental for helping our bodies to prevent illnesses.
Moringa leaves are a great source of Iron:   32.2% of NRV and Vitamin A:   18.9% of NRV